
A Hermit's Wish

This poem was written by my grandfather, Reverend Alfred Brooks Rollins or "Doc." 
Doc was a Unitarian Minister, opening the very first Unitarian Church in Miami Fla, in the 1940's. He loved to play the organ, tell tales, read aloud, meet new folks, and help others. Doc was lucky enough to get his wish - and he loved his small cottage in the woods where he lived with his family until he passed away.  


  1. I feel as though I know your grandfather even though we have never met. I believe we may be old souls whose spirits share common interests. I also have written and shared poetry and would love to write more letters but have been so busy in life have not. We are sorta secluded in the Pennsylvania mountains and I also like it this way and so you see I am grateful for you sharing your grandfathers poem.

  2. Thank you for sharing your grandfather's poem. I'm in the process of moving from a big house to a tiny one and need to keep it in sight, so I remember to take less with me. My donation pile gets larger everyday. So glad you're happy!


Remember, be kind!