
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Crocheted Ewok!

     One of my biggest New Years resolutions this year was to really start trying to selling my creations. I have always been hesitant to really put myself out there, as many of you other crafters can identify with, I wasn't sure if what I was creating was "good" enough. Well, after a lot of pushing from friends and family, and some success at small festivals, I have decided to go for it! I mean if I LOVE my stuff other folks most likely will right?

     This was the first "Large" crocheted toy I have ever made and I am officially HOOKED! I have been making small/medium toys for over a year now, so I felt pretty comfortable creating one on a larger scale. I had the BEST time making this little Ewok. I already have several orders for more! I am also currently working on the pattern that I plan on selling at my soon to exist Etsy shop (along with the finished product). I'm hoping to have a number of things ready when I begin my shop so I will keep you all posted when I do! I'm aiming for sometime in February!

Anyway .... here he is in all his splendor!
 This little Ewok is pretty soft and very very snuggly! His "furry" face, ears and tummy are nice and fluffy! You can see his ruffly belly! 
 Relaxing here in his native habitat ... the forest!
                         His hat is removable, so I wanted to share a few shots of the Ewok in the buff!

I can't really express how much fun it was making this guy ... He was very, Very, VERY difficult to part with! I can attest to his cuddle factor as I caught myself snuggling him like a teddy bear more than once!


  1. I love him! Good job on him, and good luck with your new shop!


  2. This is the craziest Ewok I've ever seen. I love it.

  3. Where/How could I purchase one?


Remember, be kind!